5th Putney Sea Scouts Beavers
Beaver Scouts are boys and girls aged between 6 yrs to 8 yrs.
What do Beavers do? They have fun! They also, play games, meet new friends, gain badges, go on outings and visits, go outside and learn about the outdoors, create things, meet new people, listen to stories, become Cubs. At 5th Putney Sea Scouts, Beaver Scout activities are a combination of learning and having fun. They learn about themselves and how to look after themselves, they get to know people from their local community. They find out about life in other countries and explore through organised activities. They care by helping those around them.
The Beaver Scout Programme and activities are based on Five Programme Zones. It is by participating in a Balanced Programme that Beavers experience Scouting.
The Balanced Programme provides opportunities for growth and development in Six personal development areas.
A Beaver will be invested after 4 weeks, which means he/she has the full Beaver uniform and wants to become a full Beaver member. He/she learns the Beaver Promise and will receive the badges, scarf, woggle and certificate at a special ceremony.
What badges do they have? Beaver Scouts can gain a wide range of badges and awards.
The Membership Award - to be awarded at the Promise Ceremony Joining In Awards- recognise a commitment to Scouting. They celebrate Beaver Scouts participating in a Balanced Programme over a period of time. These badges are not Section specific. They recognise the length of time a young person has been a Member of the Scout Movement, rather than as a member of a specific Section.
Chief Scout's Bronze Award - This badge is the highest award available in the Beaver Scout Section and is awarded on completion of the 6 Challange Badges.
Moving On Award - This Award is presented to a Beaver Scout when he or she is invested into the Cub Scout Pack. This award helps ease the transfer of a Beaver Scout to the Cub Scout Pack. It also allows the Beaver Scout to be invested into the Pack immediately, recognising that they are already a Member of the Scout Movement.
Challenge Awards -There are 6 Challenge Awards which are designed to extend the skills of Beavers, these are: Creative, Fitness, Friendship, Global, Outdoor and Promise.
Activity Badges - Activity Badges are optional, but they provide an opportunity to reward a young person who has taken part in an activity over a period of time. They should raise interest and extend a young person's skills throughout their time in Scouting. There are 12 badges available for Beaver Scouts: Adventure, Air, Animal Friend, Creative, Experiment, Explore, Faith, Health & Fitness, Healthy Eating, Hobbies, Imagination and Safety.
Staged Activity Badges - There are 6 Activity Badges staged across the first four Sections. These are: Emergency Aid, Hikes Away, Information Technology, Musician, Nights Away and Swimmer.
Beaver Scouts uniform. Scouting is a uniformed organisation and the uniform tells everyone that you are a Beaver Scout. For instance, people can tell which Colony you belong to by looking at the colour of your neckerchief. The uniform consists of: turquoise long sleeved sweatshirt a scout scarf (neckerchief), navy blue activity trousers or joggers. You can purchase here. Where to sew on the badges? Click here.
Beaver Scouts meet
Putney Embankment, Beverley Brook Bridge tow path, Putney, SW15
Thursdays 5.15 pm - 6.15 pm